Vážení zákazníci, dne 28. září 2021 je z důvodu svátku kamenná prodejna uzavřena. Směřujte prosímsvé osobní odběry objednaného zboží na jiný pracovní den. Děkujeme za pochopení.
Váš nákupní košík je prázdný.
MasterBox 520 Mesh is the ideal chassis for both novice and experienced gamers alike, providing users multiple options in case design to satisfy different needs. Whether you place upmost value on system performance and high-quality gaming experiences, or dazzling aesthetics and an outlook that stands out, MasterBox 520 Mesh has something in for you. Pre-installed with three CF120 ARGB fans, your system is brought to life with stunning lighting effects, completely customizable to match your theme or preference. Additional mechanical upgrades such as a removable top panel and robust dust filter ensure a pleasant, hassle-free installation experience.